Veloart is a bike shop that offers expert mechanical bike servicing and promotes an urban cycling lifestyle focusing on Brompton culture.

Apr 03 - Jul 03 2023

Pedal Back

in Time with



The curator's love for the retro aesthetic extends beyond mere nostalgia; it is a deliberate choice that adds a unique twist to the visuals in the store and its branding.

Old-school posters, with their vibrant colors and vintage illustrations, evoke a sense of timeless charm. But the curator's vision goes beyond the store - they want to infuse this retro feeling into the urban cycling lifestyle. By blending elements of the past with the present, they aim to differentiate the urban cycling experience from the typical adventure and natural vibes often associated with biking.

This melding of urban and retro creates a captivating juxtaposition, capturing the attention of both cycling enthusiasts and art lovers alike.




Project I: SNS Posts

Combining the appeal of traditional print media with the dynamic nature of social media platforms, I created a unique visual experience with the magazine and paper-like feeling. By carefully selecting fonts, textures, and color palettes, I ensure that the posters evoke a sense of familiarity and authenticity, reminiscent of flipping through a glossy magazine or holding a tactile piece of paper. Moreover, I strategically design our posters to incorporate the need for attention on social media with captivating headlines and eye-catching visuals, I grab the viewer's attention and encourage engagement.

结合传统印刷媒体的吸引力和社交媒体平台的动态性质,我以杂志和纸张般的感觉创造了一种独特的视觉体验。 通过精心挑选字体、纹理和颜色,我确保海报能唤起一种熟悉感和真实感,让人联想到翻阅一本光鲜的杂志或拿着一张有触感的纸。此外,我们战略性地设计我们的海报,以结合社交媒体上对注意力的需求,用吸引人的标题和醒目的视觉效果,以此抓住观众的注意力并增加点击率。

Project II: Parts Posters

The posters in this curated collection are thoughtfully inspired by the layout of U.S. patents from the 1990s, evoking a sense of retro nostalgia. They serve as a tribute to the meticulously crafted bike parts and accessories that are carefully chosen by the curator. Each item showcased in these posters represents a milestone in industrial design within the Brompton bike accessory industry. Through the utilization of the U.S. patent layout, these posters not only pay homage to the innovative companies behind these designs but also highlight the significance of these carefully engineered components.


Project III: Brand Posters

In the heart of Dongshankou, there is a place called Veloart Lounge. It's a haven for cyclists and people who love bikes. As soon as you step in, you feel like you're in a different time, when cycling was really popular. The whole place has a vintage feel, making it a must-visit for anyone who loves bikes. The walls are covered in posters that show the essence of Veloart. Each one tells a story and celebrates the cycling culture. Looking at all the posters, you feel a love for cycling that connects everyone in the room. Veloart Lounge is more than just a place – it's a celebration of the bike lifestyle. The posters remind you of the history and beauty of cycling. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, Veloart Lounge is a place where everyone can come together, share stories, and enjoy the ride.

在东山口的心脏地带,有一个地方叫做Veloart Lounge。这是一个自行车爱好者和热爱自行车的人们的天堂。一踏进去,你就感觉自己仿佛回到了一个自行车流行的时代。整个地方都散发着复古的氛围,使它成为喜爱自行车的人们必游之地。墙上挂满了展示Veloart精髓的海报。每一张都讲述着一个故事,颂扬自行车文化。看着所有的海报,你感受到了一个连接房间里每个人的对自行车的热爱。Veloart Lounge不仅仅是一个地方 - 它是对自行车生活方式的庆祝。这些海报让你想起了自行车的历史和美丽。无论你是经验丰富的骑手还是刚刚开始,Veloart Lounge是一个大家可以聚在一起,分享故事,享受骑行的地方。


Peer Assessment Redesign