Organization of Information on Internet Retail Website
Sep 30 - Oct 30, 2019
The perceived choice overload would make costumer less willing to buy products and switch to a competitor’s website.
Daily Harvest shows all of its products at once in a single webpage by default even though there is a filter option for users to refine their searches.
Daily Harvest默认在一个网页上一次性显示所有产品,尽管有一个过滤选项供用户细化他们的搜索。
However, the filter option has its own problem, it has too many sub categories under each main categories.
The solution for this problem is to reorganize the information presentation on the website so that first-time users can navigate the website easily. This improvement would also benefit returning users because they could use recognition to quickly finish their purchase.
Prior knowledge is essential for building up ling-term memory across the life span, and people keep continuously revising their memory with new knowledge and experience. As Daily Harvest a relatively new business (as of 2019), users would need to use their prior knowledges to understand its business and the website.
先前的知识对建立整个生命周期的长期记忆至关重要,人们不断地用新的知识和经验修改他们的记忆。由于Daily Harvest是一个相对较新的业务(截至2019年),用户需要使用他们先前的知识来了解其业务和网站。
Hierarchical Network Model
In hierarchical network model, semantic memory organized in a hierarchical network of connected ideas or concepts. It is thought that the closer facts or properties are stored in semantic network, the less time people would need to verify the information presented to them. However, there are two problems in this model and researchers have refined hierarchical network model through their studies, which are familiarity and typicality.
Spreading Activation Model
If related information is stored closely, then whenever the superordinate information is presented, the subordinate information that is related to each other would be retrieved from semanticmemory. When people think, discuss, see, or hear a concept, associated nods would activate.This activation spreads strongly to closely related nods, for example, “canary is a bird,” and weakly to distant nods, for example, “penguin is a bird.”